
Uwe Boll goes ‘Postal’ … I give up! – We Are Movie Geeks


Uwe Boll goes ‘Postal’ … I give up!

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Yes, Uwe Boll is at it again. This time he’s made a “comedy” that apparently pokes fun at the current war on terror. I’m not sure why he thinks he has room to make political statements in his films, seeing as he can’t make a movie that anyone even sees fit for the big screen. One thing that does continuously amaze me though, is that Boll actually manages to cast well-known actors in movies that would otherwise go straight to video. Postal stars Zack Ward, Dave Foley, J.K. Simmons and Verne Troyer. I have two theories … one, the pay is REALLY good. After all, Boll’s movies are basically ways for him to profit off of lucrative German tax incentives for the film business. Or two, the productions are always so much fun to be involved with that actors take the roles just to kick back while working once in a while. (I am leaning towards theory #1)

On the other hand, after doing a little Google research, he is actually getting an occasional “positive” review for Postal. I can’t imagine this movie could be that funny, as I’ve seen one person claim it to be “One of the funniest movies I have ever seen!” This person either has VERY low standards, or is simply so sheltered that this is the first comedy they’ve ever experienced. Either way, the trailer makes it look as though it could be entertaining … if I had the IQ of a turnip. Then again, trailers always make movies look better than they are, right? See for yourself … [If you are so bold, the film’s US release date is May 23]

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end