
Zach Braff CANNOT act (in my opinion) Sorry Scrubs fans… – We Are Movie Geeks

Geeks on Movies

Zach Braff CANNOT act (in my opinion) Sorry Scrubs fans…

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Well, this has been something that I have stood by for a very long time. Many of my friends are die hard scrubs fans. So I have had this argument many times before. I was bored the other night and there was nothing on but crappy Skina-max movies (all of which I have seen already). So I was torn between learning how to knit or watch Garden State. Now I was really leaning towards the whole knitting thing. But I decided to watch Garden State. I was actually surprised it was a pretty good movie. But nothing that made it good, had anything to do with Zach Braff’s acting. Natalie Portman carried that movie on her back like Sacagawea. She was the lead, support and emotional force behind that ENTIRE movie. Now some of you may say, “You just don’t notice all the the emotions that he conveys in his roles”. Well, I assure you that I do notice all the emotions that he conveys. Mainly because he only has 3 emotions, bewildered, content, and reserved. He is like that on Scrubs, and everything else he has done. The funny part is that I know TONS of girls that have said “I would love to be with a guy like him” (referring to his Scrubs character) But in all honesty, there is no woman that would want to be with some goofy, childish, idiot. If they did, fat D&D nerds would be getting laid more then Ron Jeremy. So ladies get it right, you don’t want to be with somebody like that, you want to be with somebody that looks like that. All in all, I will stand by what I said till I am proven wrong, ZACH BRAFF CANNOT ACT.

Hi, I grew up in Arizona, and lived there my entire life thus far. At this moment I live in Missouri. I enjoy movies and have tossed around the idea of writing a few screenplays, but have not yet. I am opinionated but fair and I hope that everyone enjoys my reviews and posts.