Warner Bros. considers ‘Bone’ Movie
Warner Bros. has acquired the rights to the popular indie comic book series known as Bone, created by Jeff Smith. This comical fantasy-adventure series tells the ongoing story of three small, white humanoid creatures with big noses as they find themselves forced from their hometown into a strange valley, hunted by other larger creatures and fighting an evil villain called the Lord of the Locusts. Still unsure whether Bone will be animated or live-action (or, perhaps a combination), Warner Bros. will consider their options during talks with film-makers. Dan Lin is expected to produce the movie adaptation. Lin also is connected to the remake of Masters of the Universe. A director has not yet been chosen, but then again, I’m thinking there isn’t even a script yet. I’m always somewhat uneasy about these kids of projects, as these types of comic books are often very difficult to successfully translate to the big screen.