
Character Cage Match: Actors who Play Themselves – We Are Movie Geeks

Cage Match

Character Cage Match: Actors who Play Themselves

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Welcome to the main event, a cage match for the title of Greatest Actor … at Playing Themselves.

Tonight’s event is a no holds bar all-out brawl between the top two contenders in this division, George “Tattooed Terror” Clooney versus Nicolas “Mullet Maniac” Cage. These two actors are much-loved and always fun to watch, but always play … well, themselves. George the doctor, George the lawyer, George the nipple-suited crime-fighter … or … Nic the undercover cop, Nic the flaming skull demon, Nic the FBI chemist. Anyway way you choose it, you’re still watching George or Nic.

Now, you have to choose the best. This bout is set for one brutal, gruelling round of primal thespian war. There are no knock-outs, no TKOs, no draws and most importantly, no rules. This match will be determined by decision alone. That decision, for the World WAMG Cage Match Championship, will be determined by the audience (that’s you) based on your feedback to this post. Let the fight begin!

Hopeless film enthusiast; reborn comic book geek; artist; collector; cookie connoisseur; curious to no end