
Review: ‘Feast of Love’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: ‘Feast of Love’

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An interesting look at love that dissects a number of individuals’ lives that are all closely connected and the consequences and effects love has on this group of individuals.
Morgan Freeman serves as a mediator and father figure for all of these individuals as he deals with his issues with his family while trying to protect those that he still can. Greg Kinnear is the other lead and we follow him through his mis-steps and successes in relationships as well that spans over the course of three women. Another plot line is a young couple that meets at Kinnear’s coffee shop as they find love and fate and family stands to get in their way.
The film is more or less a window into these people’s lives as we watch them deal with love and the hurdles and joys that come with it. Some cheat, some lie, some just need a dog. The film can be a tad pretentious at times and is very graphic and raw when it comes to sex and making love. The film also can come across as a little to convenient and think it’s deeper then it really is as well. The film as a whole is feels like it was aiming higher then it actually ever achieves, but is by no means a failure.
Kinnear does an excellent job as the oblivious lover that always seems to find the wrong women as he moves through tragic relationships. One of his girlfriends is bravely played by Radha Mitchell who has racy scenes with a cheating husband that she might wish for more from. Selma Blair’s brief appearance is solid and sets up Kinnear’s characters arc and vulnerability. The young couple is anchored by an excellent turn by Alexa Davalos who bares all and brings a believable understanding and love to her relationships with everyone she encounters in the film. Morgan Freeman is Morgan Freeman and while doing nothing extraordinarily new, he is as solid as a rock throughout.
The film’s pacing is also very good, though leaves you a bit jarred at how much time is passing as it jumps forward with little to no notice. Director Robert Benton’s work on the film is solid and engaging but upon reflection there seems too little below the surface and doesn’t really stand for much rewatchability.
Feast of Love is an interesting indie film that leaves me feeling not much for one way or the other. A couple of the actors stand out, Kinnear in particular, but the story and message doesn’t really have much impact. While I didn’t hate it by any means, I didn’t really go crazy for it either. It remains a watchable film though and if you are interested you should definitely give it a shot, I just don’t know how much of an effect it will have on you.

[rating: 3/5]

I am a mid 20's film lover that spends his money on film and DVD/Blu-Ray's. I enjoy writing creatively when I can and reviewing films has become a new passion for me in the last year or so. I am also a big Cardinals fan and can be found playing Softball multiple nights a week when in season. I hope you like my opinion, and that's great if you don't, we need less sheep in this world.