
‘A Last Time For Everything’ – Arthur C. Clarke Dies At 90 – We Are Movie Geeks


‘A Last Time For Everything’ – Arthur C. Clarke Dies At 90

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British author, inventor, futurist and all around fascinating human being Arthur C. Clarke has died this morning at 90, reports The Associated Press. He became famous for his many, MANY works of science fiction and fantasy including Childhood’s End, The Sentinel, Rendezvous with Rama, Profiles of the Future, The Nine Billion Names of God (not to mention his countless essays), for creating the concept of geostationary communications satellites (a sci-fi author who was actually an honest to God scientist), and perhaps most obviously, for writing the novel 2001 A Space Odyssey and penning the screenplay for it with Stanley Kubrick himself. The man’s legacy on popular culture can’t be overstated.

For everytime Hal 9000’s calm emotionless voice sent a chill down my spine, or a short story by him affected my young literary mind (The Nine Billion Names of God was my first), I have him to thank. If all you’ve been exposed to by Clarke is Kubrick’s film, get to the library and read a fucking book already. You won’t be disappointed.