
Review: ‘2 Days in Paris’ – We Are Movie Geeks


Review: ‘2 Days in Paris’

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Julie Delpy’s directorial debut is a wonderful look at relationships with great comedy and truth that you don’t normally find in films nowadays.

A very real feeling film from start to finish, Delpy crafts and entertaining and well crafted piece of cinema that was ignored by far too many people. Marion (Delpy) and Jack (Adam Goldberg) are at the tail end of a European adventure and are winding down and spending the last 2 days of the trip in Marion’s apartment above her parents place. The couple does a little site seeing, meet past acquaintances, and introduce Jack to Marion’s eccentric family.

As Jack and Marion traverse the city they are constantly running into Marion’s past flames and with a language barrier and creeping suspicions, Jack’s mind begins to run wild as he sarcastically deflects as he endures the whirlwind of activity thrown at him.

Adam Goldberg is just great as Jack. Delpy’s script and his improvisation afford him some of the most memorable lines of the year with a wit and sharpness that never dulls. The sarcasm of his character is a joy to watch if you find that funny and Goldberg sells the awkward outsider to a T as he works his way through parties and guys trying to fuck his girlfriend. Goldberg proves that he is a capable leading man here; too bad no one will probably ever give him a chance in anything that will showcase him in bigger medium.

Delpy is sweet, cute, and adorable in this. Marion is a slightly sillier version of Delpy’s Before Sunrise/Sunset character and is full of life and imagination with a head that might not be quite set on her shoulders. She takes advantage of Jack’s language barrier and shows a hair of disconnect from time to time opening a very interesting angle to taken the proceedings in from.

Delpy’s parents in the film are Delpy’s real life parents as well and that chemistry just pours out of the screen. When all of them are on screen together it’s a joy to watch and Delpy’s father, Albert, is fantastic in his time away from the nuclear family setting as well. Albert and Goldberg play off each other so well they are impossible not to believe.

The film its self is creative and keeps things feeling fresh while not trying to do too much. Delpy has a great directing style and this leaves me excited to see her do more work. The films message and writing is also a phenomenon as it is just so real and true. As you watch, you’ve had these conversations with people and significant others and you can relate with these characters which allows you to invest even further into the picture.

2 Days in Paris is a gem of 07 and a film that should be seen by many more people. The film moves quick, is full of laughs, and intrigue to its story. This is one that will not disappoint and that you should rush out to rent as soon as possible!

[rating: 4.5/5]

I am a mid 20's film lover that spends his money on film and DVD/Blu-Ray's. I enjoy writing creatively when I can and reviewing films has become a new passion for me in the last year or so. I am also a big Cardinals fan and can be found playing Softball multiple nights a week when in season. I hope you like my opinion, and that's great if you don't, we need less sheep in this world.