
Zack and Miri Make a Porno update.. – We Are Movie Geeks

Coming to Theaters

Zack and Miri Make a Porno update..

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One of my director hero’s Kevin Smith updated his blog about Zack and Miri. here you go;

Tuesday was day one of rehearsals, and lemme tell ya’: it was pretty awesome, hearing Zack and Miri come to life for the first time. Rogen and Banks are genius together (and apart – which, in the flick, is extremely rare): hilarious and rather sweet and touching when called for. The roles fit them like gloves. Shit, better than gloves: the roles fit them like condoms. Like custom-made condoms, even.

Yesterday was two of rehearsals – a term I use loosely, since it’s more of a read-through than anything else. This time, all the leads but two were present. So while I read every other role but Zack and Miri on Tuesday, four more people joined us yesterday, assuming their characters for the first time. And it sounds great; just fucking tremendous. We could’ve put it on wax – if folks’ idea of wax was seven people sitting around a hotel room reading a script aloud. But if we were doing a radio play? It would’ve been air-worthy. We’d have gotten multiple FCC fines for the content, but performance-wise? Totally air-worthy.

Today, we do camera tests (throw the actors into a bunch of their wardrobe/hair “looks† and shoot ‘em under a few different lighting schemes) then a nearly full cast read-through (nearly-full since a new baby is, understandably, keeping one of the leads from making it out for the rehearsal/read-throughs). Tuesday, we’ll start doing some location(s) rehearsing, blocking some stuff out in advance of our Wednesday start of principal photography. Back in the day, that’d make me nervous as fuck. One day of on-location rehearsal? I’d be nauseous at the thought. Now? It’s a different world.

I used to be a real rehearsal Nazi: insisting on at least three weeks of three to four hour days. Over the last few years, though – either based on time restrictions, more faith in the performers, or simply the experience that comes with doing a job for fifteen years now – I’ve learned to lighten up and do more on-set tweaking than anything else. Took awhile to reach that conclusion, though.

If you dont know anything about this, here is the synopsis from imdb.

“Lifelong platonic friends Zack (Rogen) and Miri (Banks) look to solve their respective cashflow problems by making an adult film together. As the cameras roll, however, the duo begin to sense that they may have more feelings for each other than they previously thought.”

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.