
Question to ask yourself you will… – We Are Movie Geeks


Question to ask yourself you will…

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I have a geeky question. I ask this question because I have a dilemma and need advice…and I want to be a good father. My wife and I are expecting a little one at the end of July and I want to make sure I do the right thing…Question:

In what order should I show my children the Star wars movies?

Episodes 4 through 6 then back to 1 through 3? Or 1 through 6 straight through? As for 4,5 and 6, which versions? Original theatrical? Special edition? Extra special edition with official Wookie fur case? If you go 1 through 6 then how do you explain the sudden regression in the quality of special effects to a kid in the year 2015 (estimated date my kid will be able to appreciate these flicks) that back in 1983 they didn’t have fancy computers so they used a bunch of Muppets instead?

Since I don’t have the interneting know how and stuff I am not going to post any buttons to click on or anything. Just go ahead and leave a comment with your opinion and suggestions.

…and may the force be with you…and with my unborn children, they are going to need all the help they can get!
