Out of Work Actors
Greatest out of work actor of the day: John Leguizamo
Ok ok, so he technically isnt out of work..but come on he hasnt done anything really great in a long time. What happened to ‘The Pest‘ man! Well his career has been filled with an array of different roles. From playing Tybalt in ‘Romeo and Juliet‘, Luigi in ‘Super Mario Brothers‘, Violator in ‘Spawn’, to Mexican Gangsters in many other movies.
John Leguizamo is a very diverse actor that I dont think is fully appreciated in hollywood. He has a lot of new movies on the horizon, granted its nothing I have really heard of. Go check him out on IMDB and see for yourself.
Good Luck John Leguizamo, and in the future..try to do something more..you like your standup routine ‘Sexaholix … A Love Story‘