
Deathproof is better..than your mom. – We Are Movie Geeks

Coming to Theaters

Deathproof is better..than your mom.

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So, I just re-watched DeathProof and honestly, i dont know why the hell everyone gave it such negative reviews. Maybe because it came on before Planet Terror, and it was overshadowed because of that. Who knows, but this is a really good movie. Quentin Tarantino did a marvelous job in writing and directing. Dont get me wrong, its definitely not a Pulp Ficition, but it is Tarantino!

The thing I am most excited about, is Machete coming out.


Robert Rodriguez is going to be doing this movie while they are filming Sin City 2. You might be asking yourself..”What the eff is Machete?”. Well my friend, you are in for a treat, this from wikipedia.
“It is an expansion of a fake trailer Rodriguez directed for the 2007 film Grindhouse. It will star Danny Trejo as the title character. Although originally announced to be released direct-to-DVD as an extra on the Planet Terror DVD, the film is now being produced as a theatrical release.”

Danny Trejo is great in everything he does, so this shouldnt be any different.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.