AMAI – Association of Moving Image Archivists – Screening Night November 23rd at Webster University
AMAI (Association of Moving Image Archivists) will present a screening Night November 23rd at Webster University’s Moor Auditorium(470 E Lockwood Ave) at 7:00pm. It will be a screening of shorts from assorted directors, years, and countries, 108 minutes. A Facebook invite for this event can be found HERE
For the past 28 years, the Association of Moving Image Archivists has held an Archival Screening Night at their annual conference, and this year for the first time they’re allowing this compilation to play outside of their meeting. Among the 22 films and videos included, you’ll find Josephine Baker dancing the Charleston in wooden clogs, a promotional video for John Waters’ Hairspray, a commercial for Stonewall action figures, an Alice in Wonderland-themed anti-drug commercial that maybe doesn’t achieve its desired goals, and lots of other amusing discoveries from all over the globe and virtually every period of film history.
Admission is:
$7 for the general public
$6 for seniors, Webster alumni and students from other schools
$5 for Webster University staff and faculty
Free for Webster students with proper I.D.