
BRIDESMAIDS – The Review – We Are Movie Geeks

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Ladies, BRIDESMAIDS is a must see! Grab your girls and get to the theaters because this film is hilarious! Guys, this isn’t just a chick flick!

Annie (Kristen Wiig) is s fun chick that doesn’t really have a lot going for her. Her bakery closed, her boyfriend broke up with her, and she is pretty much broke. Oh, did I mention that she is sleeping with a total asshole named Ted (Jon Hamm) too! The one thing that she does have going for her is best friend since childhood, Lillian (Maya Rudolph). Things really start to go downhill after Lillian asks Annie to be her maid of honor. Clashes with another bridesmaid, a crazy bachelorette party and an incredibly adorable cop are all about to be thrown Annie’s way!

Judd Apatow really outdid himself with this film. I was laughing the entire time. The conversations between Annie and Lillian could easily be a separate movie. Their conversations are raunchy, dirty, and any other word that you can think of for that kind of fun filled language! I do like how they portrayed the character of Annie. In this day and age, it is so easy to see people just settle. They blame their crappy lives on others instead of fighting to change them. That is exactly what Annie does. She accepts her crappy job, car, and booty call… and when something good comes along she runs from it. It sends a nice, understated message behind all of the laughs. Plus, Kristen Wiig is funny, so the message goes down with a spoon full of sugar. The ridiculous bunch of women that they cast for the bridal party only heighten the laughs! Rose Byrne, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Ellie Kemper are all outstanding! Each one of their characters are so vastly different that you never know what is going to happen next. The icing on the bridal party cake is by far Melissa McCarthy. She is phenomenal! Her comedic delivery had me crying with laughter!

Now, for all you boys out there, I will warn you… These ladies talk about some pretty nasty stuff. Then again, I’m desensitized to it since I have a mouth like a sailor. Still, it’s really funny. Just know that their will be some penis jokes at your expense. The main reason that the film got the R rating was based off of the dialogue… well that and the overall sexual content! Needless to say, don’t bring your kids to this!

The cast, the script, everything about this film had me in a state of shrieking merriment! I could write a ton about it, but I don’t want to spoil it! Go see this film!!!

OVERALL RATING: 5 out of 5 stars

Nerdy, snarky horror lover with a campy undertone. Goonies never say die.