
Review: FLIPPED – We Are Movie Geeks

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I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend a weekday afternoon than at the screening for the new Rob Reiner film, FLIPPED. I thought back over past delightful hours spent in the company of other Rob Reiner films; WHEN HARRY MET SALLY, A FEW GOOD MEN, and an all time favorite, STAND BY ME. Then as the opening credits rolled and I saw, much to my delight, that the cast included many favorite actors, namely Anthony Edwards, from “ER,” John Mahoney, from “Fraser,” and Aidan Quinn from MICHAEL COLLINS, I was glad to think that I wouldn’t be let down by such a noteworthy cast.

*Heads-up: this is a spoiler-filled review*

The film is a coming of age story for the two main characters, Bryce (played by Callan McAuliffe) and Juli (played by Madeline Carroll). Somewhat in the vein of STAND BY ME. The action starts when Bryce moves in across the street from Juli at the beginning of second grade. Juli is completely taken by this handsome little boy, and Bryce can’t wait to escape from her company, and so the conflict begins. Juli is convinced that Bryce will be her first kiss. Bryce has other thoughts; to avoid her at all costs. He goes to many lengths to thwart her. Even to pretending to like her archenemy, Sherry. The story is told first from Juli’s point of view and then the same set of events is re-told from Bryce’s. This form of storytelling is interesting the first go round, but tedious as the film continues to unfold. The majority of the action takes place when the characters are in seventh grade. So girl likes boy and girl continues to like boy until he behaves so hateful toward her and her family that it turns her off. And guess what? No, you will never guess. Ok, I know you know; once the girl loses interest the boy is interested. What a new twist!! (Said with extreme sarcasm, in case you didn’t get it.) And, this contains a spoiler; the boy wins back the girl.

The film has a lot of faults. As a viewer you never really care or like the characters. The characters are one dimensional. Bryce’s father is intolerant. His grandfather doesn’t speak to Bryce, but he offers to help Juli with her yard work and yet no one asks why. Juli’s mother is thrilled at an invitation by Bryce’s family that is ten years in coming. Why would she want this? Even though you are hearing the story from Juli and Bryce’s points of view, you never get to know these characters. Juli is in love with Bryce, why? She is a deep thinker, an individual and Bryce is superficial, just a pretty face who doesn’t want to appear different from his classmates. He goes along with what others say whether he agrees or not. But once again, we don’t know why. The conflict between the families is further shown when one day Bryce’s father looks out their front window and complains about the disarray of Juli’s family’s home. Then Bryce’s grandfather (played by John Mahoney) explains that the neighbors are renting the house and supporting a mentally retarded uncle. Not sure why this story line was introduced as it was unnecessary and disrespectful.

The film was a total bore. I couldn’t wait for FLIPPED to end. To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement. Stay at home, watch an old Rob Reiner film (cough THE PRINCESS BRIDE cough) and hope that the next one out will be better.

1/2 out of 5 *****