
Sundance 2010 Preview: LUCKY – We Are Movie Geeks

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Sundance 2010 Preview: LUCKY

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I am a huge fan of Jeffrey Blitz, SPELLBOUND and ROCKET SCIENCE are both really great films and he is back with another documentary with LUCKY. I have always wondered what happens to people after they win the lottery. You hear the horror stories about not paying taxes and all that business but Ive always wanted to delve in deeper than that. Apparently Jeffrey Blitz has been sneaking into my thoughts and made this documentary just for me…ok maybe not just for me, but I am very excited on the journey we will inevitably go on with LUCKY.

Official Synopsis:

Dreaming of winning the lottery is as American as apple pie. Millions of Americans spend billions of dollars each year hoping to come up a winner. But what happens to the lucky few who actually pull a winning ticket?

Lucky crisscrosses the country, examining a handful of past lottery winners as they navigate their newly found riches and a couple of extremely determined hopefuls. The winners’ lives are undoubtedly changed forever but not necessarily in the ways we may expect. Life becomes complicated as attorneys, hired security guards, jealous friends, scheming family members, and desperate pleas for help from strangers pepper their new existence.

Veteran director Jeffrey Blitz (Spellbound, Rocket Science—2007 Sundance Film Festival Directing Award winner) has skillfully crafted a revealing look at the way one’s identity is undoubtedly turned upside down after the big payout. Thoroughly involving, Lucky cleverly strips off the veneer and shatters our perceptions about the ultimate American dream.

LUCKY plays at the following times:

9:00 PM Sun, Jan 24 Temple Theatre
11:59 PM Mon, Jan 25 Holiday Village Cinema IV
9:00 PM Tue, Jan 26 Broadway Centre Cinemas VI
8:30 AM Wed, Jan 27 Library Center Theatre
9:30 PM Fri, Jan 29 Temple Theatre

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.