
In Case You Missed it Monday: ‘Airborne’ – We Are Movie Geeks

In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed it Monday: ‘Airborne’

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Back in 1993, when I was a youngster and really into roller hockey I was cruising around the local video store and ran across this movie called ‘Airborne’. Mitchell Goosen(Shane McDermott) is a surfer/skater dude living it up in Southern California, until his parents drop the bomb that he will have to go live with his cousin in Cincinnati while they go on a business trip. His cousin Wiley(Seth Green) is a dorky redheaded kid who is struggling with his identity and trying to fit in anyway he can.

Since it is the middle of winter in Ohio, and there is nothing better to do everyone turns to Hockey. Hockey players are this school’s equivalent to stud football players. They are all big, cocky and run the school. Two of the all star players, Jack and Augie, have a problem with Mitchell from the beginning and its probably because all of the girls love his California accent and laid back attitude. Mitchell takes their harassment as playful banter and brushes it all off for the most part.

Mitchell tries to hook up with the wrong girl, who happens to be the Jacks little sister. It doesnt stop him from hanging out with her and eventually they start dating much to the dismay of her big brother. At this point the entire hockey team start dishing out extreme harassment and it gets the best of Mitchell and Wiley.

Eventually the jocks need Mitchell’s help to compete in a downhill rollerblading race through “Devils Backbone”. Mitchell decides to join their team in the hope that Jack comes around and warms up to him.

A big surprise for people when they first watch this movie is that the Augie the goalie is played by none other than Jack Black in only his 3rd movie of all time. Check out some of these images of a very young Jack Black and Seth Green(who looks exactly the same):



Here is a clip of Mitchell calling one of his bullies “Bra”, or “Bro” if you aren’t from California. In the clip you can see a young Jack Black!

Here is a skating montage from the film as well:

This movie is a very fun disney flick that I think anyone can enjoy at any age. If you can find a copy of this it will only be on VHS, but you might run across it on TV someday.

I started this site back in christmas of 2007, and it is what you currently see today. I am 26, Married to the very beautiful Quinn, with 2 awesome kids..I am a super geek of the largest proportions.