
Jon Blogged This – We Are Movie Geeks

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Jon Blogged This

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I’ve never written a blog before. primarily because i’m not very interesting. But, IÂ  want lots of people to go see my movie (The Wackness, in theaters now and opening in more and more each week) and Scott has given me this forum. So, I’ll do it. Maybe it will be fun .

Since I don’t know much about blogging, I decided to go to my favorite celebrity blog for tips:

For those of you who don’t know John Mayer, he is a musician who gets to have sex with Jennifer Aniston, which makes me jealous but I suppose I’m happy for him and also happy that someone is having sex with Jennifer Aniston, cuz if no one did that would be a shame. But he doesn’t blog about it, which is bullshit.

OK. Now I will just talk about some of the more exciting things that have happened to me over the last few weeks:

I went on a press tour to promote the movie. The press tour essentially includes press days in several cities, meeting and talking to a lot of people, and ordering a lot of room service. Often one says the same things over and over again. Its very exhausting but also a great opportunity to spread the word about the movie. I got to go to cities I’d never been to, like Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago. Now I know that those cities have nice hotels and very similar porn on PPV.

Howard Stern liked my movie. Someone sent me an mp3 of him talking about it. I love Howard Stern, so that really meant a lot to me. That’s a very cool part of making a movie. People actually watch it. And those people include, sometimes, Howard Stern.

The guy from Hardball did not like my movie. He was watching it at the Nantucket Film Festival and walked out because he was supposed to have dinner with John Kerry. I don’t know that he totally hated it but he seemed real grumpy. That’s OK, though. Not sure he’s in the target audience anyway. That said, I like his show and I would read his blog no questions asked.

These days, I take meetings every day about new movies or tv things or writing gigs. I’m trying to make sure I capitalize on the fact that I have a movie out and also trying to make sure I don’t go broke again. Being broke in Los Angeles sucks–and I’m very lucky to have started getting paid for movie work, so I don’t want to mess it up.

I am writing a script for Sony that is an adaptation of the spy novel Echelon Vendetta. I got notes from the studio executives today. I was terrified, but the notes were all really smart. Now I have to be smart enough to incorporate them into the script.

OK. That’s all for today. I will try to keep this updated every couple days with exciting information. thanks for the opportunity, guys. I hope this is vaguely interesting. if not, i will start making shit up, like the fact that i dropped acid with John Mayer last night. seriously.

maximum respect,