
‘Fanboys’ is back on track! – We Are Movie Geeks

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‘Fanboys’ is back on track!

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Yep, thats right, Mr.Weinstein got off his fat ass and now we have our movie back in play! I’ve been waiting a long time for this movie and it looks absolutely terrific!

Got this from our good buddies at

Fellow Star Wars Fans,

The battle to save Fanboys is over! AND WE WON!

The Weinstein Company has decided to listen to the outcry from Star Wars fans around the globe! They have restored the original plotline and have given the movie back to the Star Wars fans who made it!

The film has been given back to the original director and he is currently editing the final version at Skywalker Ranch! The original cut of the movie will be released in theaters later this year! And there are rumors of a sneak preview of the film happening at the San Diego Comic-Con!

We hereby end our boycott of the Weinstein Company! The studio has earned our respect and gratitude by actually listening to their target audience.

Our thanks go out to everyone who lent their voices to the Stop Darth Weinstein campaign, and to the thousands of fans who took the time to email the studio.
When the original version of Fanboys is released later this year you should all take pride in knowing that you helped make it happen!

When the official release date for Fanboys is announced we will post it here!

May the Force Be With You Always!


Jek Porkins
Zev Senesca
Biggs Darklighter
Dack Ralter
& the SDW Squadron

I do know Scott and I are overly excited to see this film and hope they don’t screw what they originally had planned for the film.

When do you think would be an appropriate time for this movie to be released? Maybe a week after Clone Wars hits?